+ 年 个+ 600 + skilled cases 10 years of engineering experience and skilled stage choreography 场+ 2000 + landing activities 10 years experience + executive team Seventeen years of industry experience More than 10 years of experience + event planners 4A design team - stage design, space and plane provide services for more than 500 enterprises in the greater Bay Area convention and exhibition industry ──Founded in 2005
Zhuhai Brilliant advertising Co. LTD
Glory advertising co., LTD is a professional provide all kinds of performing arts, performing arts agency and commercial non-commercial theatrical performances, meeting activity planning, public event planning and execution, exhibition display, product launches and release, perform the celebration, implement the national large-scale public relations activities, public welfare activities, stage equipment, AV equipment and technical support of integrated service company.。 With professional planning, detailed control and effective execution, we just want to make every event wonderful and different
Every successful case casts the extraordinary strength of Lingrui advertising, lingrui, all creative activities become more valuable The meeting exhibition
Event planning
Designed to perform
Film and television
2021年6月6日,在珠海度假村酒店星际厅,粤港澳大湾区企业家交流会暨庆祝老板电器全品类全系产品更新迭代顺利落幕,我司为本次交流会的策划执行公司,在所有工作人员的精心筹划下完美提交客户使用。 老板厨房电器--中国家庭熟悉与喜爱的全球畅销高端厨房电器品牌;从创立到发展,老板人经历挑战与改革,无时无刻都展现出责任、务实和创新的精神;因为责任,四十多年来始终专注于厨房电器...
2021年11月26日,绿景•玺悦湾 2021年双12冲刺渠道动员大会在珠海市香洲区茂丰路玺悦湾销售部隆重举行,我司为本次活动的执行供应商,活动的策划,现场布置、执行完美并顺利举办。 绿景集团集三十余年地产开发经验,择址珠海主城核心豪宅板块——南湾,重本精工倾力打造约80万㎡湾区国际人文生活地标,以健康智慧系人文社区、极致纯粹的豪宅产品、国际精装品质,豪宅标杆服务体...
2020年12月23日,青花郎酒•二零二零•九九重阳纪念版酒鉴赏会在珠海怡景湾大酒店举行,这也是郎酒首款精品酒正式登陆珠海。 青花郎酒二零二零九九重阳纪念,是融酱香白酒文化、重阳民俗文化、郎酒品质文化、重大事件纪念于一体,是独具特色的具有特殊的纪念意义与收藏价值的大成之作!更是向这座城市勇于创新、不断拼搏的商业精英们致敬的荣誉之作! 酒瓶选用天青色为青花...